welcome to my carrd!

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about me

... (ab, bibi, whatever u want to come up with!!)
⇨ nineteen
⇨ she/her, bisexual
⇨ libra sun, taurus moon, taurus rising
⇨ entp, 5w4, slytherin, chaotic evil

dni & byf

⇨ !! UNDER 15 !!
⇨ racist
⇨ transphobic
⇨ lgbtphobic
⇨ not on edtwt

⇨ i do occasionally retweet pro-ana content
⇨ i post about drug/alcohol use, as well as my nicotine addiction
⇨ i am a baby witch! please unfollow if that makes you uncomfy (or if you're also a witch we can be friends!)

things i think r super cool

⇨ star wars
⇨ harry potter
⇨ retro-futurism
⇨ the renaissance
⇨ architecture
⇨ animals
⇨ spirituality
⇨ films & books
⇨ dark academia, goth, and hippie aesthetics

Thanks for viewing my carrd!!

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